An anti-gender-based violence organisation has expressed outrage following the attack on a black female McDonald’s employee by a white male customer, saying it amplified ongoing victimisation and racial discrimination.
SAPS has since confirmed that no case was opened as yet regarding the incident.
“Kindly be advised that no criminal case was registered for investigation yet," said police spokesperson, Wesley Twigg.
Earlier, McDonald’s South Africa confirmed they launched an investigation into the assault, which took place on Monday at their branch in Kenilworth.
A video of the incident was shared to social media and has since gone viral.
GBV activist organisation, Ilitha Labantu, said they strongly condemned the assault.
“This attack is yet another example of the intersecting issues of GBV, workplace abuse, and racial discrimination that black women continue to endure in South Africa.
“The viral video of the incident shows a white man entering an employee only area and physically confronting the worker, ignoring her repeated demands that he step back.
"His aggression, entitlement, and disregard for her dignity are emblematic of the deep-seated racial and gender inequalities that persist in our society.
"The fact that bystanders hesitated before intervening further highlights how violence against black women is too often dismissed or minimised.
“This assault cannot be seen in isolation, it reflects broader patterns of abuse that black women face daily, particularly those in low-wage service jobs.
"These women are on the frontlines of customer service, yet they are among the most vulnerable to both racial and gendered violence.
"The power dynamics at play in this attack must not be ignored: a white man asserting dominance over a black woman in her place of work is a disturbing reminder of South Africa’s history of racial and gender oppression.”
Daniel Padiachy, chief marketing officer at McDonald’s South Africa, said: “We are aware of a video circulating online showing an altercation between a customer and one of our employees on Monday, March 17. We take the safety of our employees and customers very seriously and have instituted a full investigation into the matter.”
Cape Argus