DA calls for effective policing

Members of the Democratic Alliance in the province protested outside the Mpophomeni police station to voice their grievances about the various issues that plague the community. Picture: Supplied

Members of the Democratic Alliance in the province protested outside the Mpophomeni police station to voice their grievances about the various issues that plague the community. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 27, 2024


Durban — The DA in KwaZulu-Natal has called on the SAPS at Mpophomeni station to immediately address and rectify issues of safety and security.

The DA, led by the party’s provincial leader Francois Rodgers, DA premier candidate Chris Pappas and local councillors conducted an oversight at the Mpophomeni police station in KwaZulu-Natal on Saturday and handed over a memorandum.

The memorandum listed the following concerns:

  • The party said that it was deeply concerned about the slow progress made in the investigation of the tragic murder of councillor Nhlalayenza Ndlovu and that the lack of significant advancements, in this case, has not only caused distress to the family of the deceased but has also instilled a sense of injustice within the community.
  • The DA said that the absence of arrests and convictions in the murder case of councillor Nhlanlayenza Ndlovu further exacerbated the community’s mistrust in the effectiveness of their local law enforcement and that this inaction sent a signal that perpetrators of severe crimes could operate with impunity in Mpophomeni.
  • The escalating crime rate under the SAPS Mpophomeni jurisdiction was a source of major concern for all residents and that the pervasive sense of insecurity had detrimental effects on the community’s well-being and socio-economic development. • The noticeable absence of regular and visible policing in the area was listed as providing a conducive environment for criminal activities to flourish, further stating that visible policing was crucial in deterring crime and providing a sense of safety to the community members.
  • The DA said that the effectiveness of the police officers was severely hampered by the lack of essential resources, including vehicles, adequate office space, and sufficient personnel and that they were of the view that this inadequacy undermined their ability to perform their duties effectively and respond to criminal activities promptly.
  • The party noted an increase in the number of housebreakings and muggings within the community, and that such crimes not only resulted in loss and trauma but also contributed to a climate of fear and anxiety.
  • The DA said that the failure to adequately investigate and curb drug-related crimes was a matter of grave concern and that the proliferation of drugs within the community was a pressing issue that contributed to social decay and a host of other criminal activities.
Members of the Democratic Alliance in the province protested outside the Mpophomeni police station to voice their grievances about the various issues that plague the community. Picture: Supplied

“In the heart of the above-mentioned grievances, we urge the SAPS Mpophomeni station to take immediate and effective measures to address these critical issues. We call for a comprehensive strategy that includes increasing the visibility of police patrols, enhancing the resources available to law enforcement officers, and prioritising the investigation and resolution of high-profile cases such as that of Councillor Nhlalayenza Ndlovu,” said Rodgers.

He said that they were committed to working collaboratively with the SAPS and other stakeholders to ensure the safety and security of Mpophomeni residents and that concrete actions were needed to restore public confidence in law enforcement agencies.

The DA chief whip in the uMngeni Municipality, Ndlovu was shot and killed on December 5 last year, prompting the party to offer R1 million for information leading to the arrest of those responsible.

The police at Mpophomeni were given 14 days in which to furnish the party with a formal response.

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