Florence Masebe drags those who refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccine

Florence Maseba. Picture: Instagram

Florence Maseba. Picture: Instagram

Published Aug 31, 2021


Actress Florence Masebe has taken aim at people who do not believe that the coronavirus is real and at those who refuse to get vaccinated.

Known to be outspoken about the coronavirus and how it's affected the world over the past two years, the star took to social media to address those who don’t believe in the existence of Covid-19.

The star said that she was tired of people who think the coronavirus isn’t real. Taking to Twitter, she called out these people for choosing not to vaccinate or wear their masks despite the Covid-19 protocols and the law.

“You don’t think Covid-19 is a real thing. You have no intention to get the vaccine. You also see nothing wrong with showing up at my door unmasked. Stop your nonsense, please,” she wrote.

— Mme a Masakona (@FloMasebe) August 28, 2021

The actress went on to point out how the coronavirus had prevented her from visiting her loved ones for fear of spreading the virus. S

he also said that those who were not vaccinated were not welcome at her house.

“I have not seen people I care deeply about for the past year and a half out of fear of the coronavirus.

“I certainly will not be tolerating visits from anti-vaxxer friends and relatives. Stay in your variant firm corner while I do my best to live,” she said.

Earlier this year when “The Republic” actress received her vaccine, she took to social media like many others.

“Post-vaccination update! All is well. Slight discomfort on the jab site,” she tweeted.

“This is it. This and that SMS that came in before I even left the nurse’s station confirming it.

“My Covid-19 vaccination record card. I am relieved, thankful and emotional. We’re not out of the woods yet.

“This is only the first jab but a really big deal. I’ll sleep well tonight.”