'Heartstopper': The LGBTQIA+ show that every parent and teen should watch together

The LGBTQIA+ teen show has accomplished this by delivering on having an enormous amount of heart and warmth on display. Picture: Supplied

The LGBTQIA+ teen show has accomplished this by delivering on having an enormous amount of heart and warmth on display. Picture: Supplied

Published May 7, 2022


The internet has fallen in love with “Heartstopper”, and it has been truly wonderful to see.

The show, based on the successful graphic novels by Alice Oseman, has leapt to screen and in doing so won over many new fans. The LGBTQIA+ teen show has accomplished this by having an enormous amount of heart and warmth on display.

The reason why the show has connected with so many is not only the existing fan base for the graphic novel, but also because it delivers a show many wish they had been able to watch growing up.

The show focuses on two British teens, Nick Nelson (Kit Connor) and Charlie Spring (Joe Locke), at an all-boys grammar school. Charlie is a high-strung, openly gay overthinker, and Nick is a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player. One day, they are made to sit together in class.

The show encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make something larger, while also touching on love, friendship, loyalty, and mental illness.

Since the show has been released, there have been numerous memes and TikToks about the show, with the most common being a trend where people post their “Heartstopper“ growing up - meaning the show where they got meaningful LGBTQIA+ representation.

— ian - yrs2 (@foryoungr) May 4, 2022

— lucy ford 🍊 (@lucyj_ford) April 29, 2022

The show is a must-watch for parents of teens, and pre-teens, who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It is great family viewing to bond over, but another feat for the show is that it is also perfect for parents who have teens who identify as heterosexual.

“Heartstopper“ is naturally an important show for queer teens, but the reason why even parents of straight teens should watch the show together is that it depicts just how harmful homophobia is, without it getting too dark.

It's also a wonderful conversation starter as even though your teen may not be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, it may lead to having meaningful conversations with your teen about other aspects of their lives – bullying, friendship breakups, and anxiety.

No one wants to raise a horrible or mean human being, and this show may, in a small way, help parents start conversations with their children on the importance of being a kind and compassionate person.

If there is one thing the world needs more of, it is more compassionate people, especially young boys.

“Heartstopper” is written by Alice Oseman, and directed by Euros Lyn. It stars Kit Connor, Joe Locke, William Gao, Yasmin Finney, Corinna Brown, Kizzy Edgell, Tobie Donovan, Rhea Norwood, Jenny Walser, Sebastian Croft, Cormac Hyde-Corrin, Fisayo Akinade, Chetna Pandya, Stephen Fry, and Olivia Colman.

Rating: 10/10