Win a hamper of Nourish skincare products from Lamelle

Unlock your body’s most powerful age-preventing strategies with Lamelle’s Nourish age prevention skin range.

Unlock your body’s most powerful age-preventing strategies with Lamelle’s Nourish age prevention skin range.

Published Nov 17, 2021


OK, so no one’s going to look 25 forever. But you can maintain your healthier youthful skin at age 25 to stay young and wrinkle-free through your 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

The hamper includes:

  • Nourish Cleanser 150ml
  • Nourish Revitalise Lite
  • Nourish Revitalise Eye
  • Helase 50+

The key is realising that accumulated DNA damage with time and the effects of free radicals are a reality. Unlock your body’s most powerful age-preventing strategies with the revolutionary DNA damage-correcting enzyme and antioxidants inside Lamelle’s Nourish age prevention skin range.

What is Nourish for?

The DNA damage and free radicals that will cause lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and a bad complexion later in life, are all around you now while you’re still young. Nourish is specifically designed to help maintain your body’s defences.

How Nourish works

It’s all about giving your skin the good stuff it needs to stay in balance. A potent mix of the best and most precise antioxidants protects your skin cells, cell structure and boosts your immune system. Pioneering DNA damage-correcting enzyme help repair recent DNA damage caused by free radicals. Nourish maintains youthful skin and halts aging skins at any age.

Using Nourish young skin range

Nourish is a complete age-prevent skin range made up of several awesome products, from SPF to a cleanser, moisturiser to eye care. Talking to your skin therapist helps – they’ll do a quick assessment and advise on which products best suit your individual skin needs.

Nourish is available exclusively through qualified skin professionals. Ask your skin clinic, therapist, doctor or dermatologist about Lamelle’s Nourish.

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