Open letter to front line workers as part of Dove’s ’Courage is Beautiful’ campaign

Dove celebrates the superheroes battling Covid-19 in the front line.

Dove celebrates the superheroes battling Covid-19 in the front line.

Published Aug 14, 2020


To the people who protect us, To the people who care for us,To the people who give us strength, Thank you.

Every day, you make your way to the front lines, acting as the shield between us and the tragic realities of a global pandemic. Whether you’re in a hospital, ambulance, a mobile testing clinic or a care home, we know that your first priority is the safety of South Africans, sometimes even at the expense of your own health.

We want you to know that we admire your immense dedication, your spirit, your willingness to go beyond the call of duty to save lives.

We know it’s taxing on your bodies, your minds and to those closest to you, which is why we want you to also be able to ask for help when you need it.

Dove celebrates the superheroes battling Covid-19 in the front line.

To show our gratitude to your incredible work, we have set aside R3 million in mental health support and product care packages to provide counselling for you and your dependants, because we know this is hard on them too!.

What you are seeing on a daily basis isn’t easy – many of us aren’t built to do what you do – and as the Covid-19 case numbers spike, there is likely going to be more pressure on you than ever before.

Burnout is a reality. Between the stresses of your job and your obligations to your families and communities, there may be times when it all seems to be too much. It’s during these times that we ask you to take care of yourselves. It’s rarely easy for caregivers to reach out, but we want to be the one you can reach out to when you need it; if you don’t look after yourselves, your ability to help others will suffer.

We believe in you, and we want you to know that there are people in this world who recognise all that you are doing. You are superheroes and you are legendary, but you are also people – people who need care and support. If this crisis teaches us one thing, it will be to never take you for granted.

Your courage is beautiful. Your love for your community is beautiful. You are beautiful.

Thank you for your service!

Re a Leboga




Ndza Nkhensa

Ndo Livhuwa

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