ActionSA demands probe into ANCWL conference be tabled

ActionSA KZN Chairperson Zwakele Mncwango Picture: Tumi Pakkies.

ActionSA KZN Chairperson Zwakele Mncwango Picture: Tumi Pakkies.

Published Nov 8, 2023


ActionSA wants the tabling of the investigation into allegations that the eThekwini Municipality had paid for the hosting of the KwaZulu-Natal ANC Women’s League provincial conference at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre (ICC).

The party’s provincial chairperson Zwakele Mncwango said they understood that the City’s Integrity and Investigations Unit had completed the investigation into allegations that the City had paid R5 million to fund the hosting of the conference at the ICC.

The conference was held earlier this year.

In a statement, ActionSA provincial chairperson Zwakele Mncwango said, “ActionSA has made a decision to write to the speaker of eThekwini Municipality Thabani Nyawose requesting that he ensures that the findings of the City CIIU probe be made available in time to councillors for Thursday’s council meeting.”

He said ActionSA has already tabled a motion for the removal of the ICC board on allegations that it failed to deal with these allegations.

“We believe making this information available to councillors before the council meeting on Thursday, will allow them to vote from an informed position, allowing them to make the most sensible decision when voting on the matter, " said the letter.

In a letter to speaker Nyawose, Mncwango said, “Making the report available will not only enable members of council to make well informed decisions in this matter, but it will also display your true leadership qualities, demonstrating that you have taken a stand to protect the residents of eThekwini from vultures who wish to loot from coffers that should be delivering services to the people.

“We advise that you prioritise this matter and ensure that the report is made available to all council members.”

The Mercury