DA ready to go into coalition with MPC if ANC fails to get majority

DA national leader John Steenhuisen was joined by the KZN DA’s premier candidate, Chris Pappas in Reservoir Hills. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo/Independent Newspapers

DA national leader John Steenhuisen was joined by the KZN DA’s premier candidate, Chris Pappas in Reservoir Hills. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo/Independent Newspapers

Published May 23, 2024


DA national leader John Steenhuisen says the party is ready to go into a coalition if the ANC fails to secure a majority in next week’s polls.

Wrapping up the party’s election campaign trail in Durban on Wednesday, Steenhuisen was joined by the KZN DA’s premier candidate, Chris Pappas in Reservoir Hills.

He said the DA’s main priority was to win the elections outright, but it was open to form a coalition with the 11 parties that are part of the Multi Party Charter.

The Multi Party Charter is a group of opposition parties that have joined forces to oust the ANC from power.

Early this year, the 11 parties said the plan would address SA’s most devastating crises by focusing on four priorities: professionalising the police service, improving the criminal justice system, addressing the drug problem and tackling corruption and state capture.

“We are part of the Multi Party Charter, that is 11 parties that have agreed that if we are able to form the majority in the next election, we will bring change to the country by working together.

“I think it is the first time in 30 years that you’ve seen the opposition working together, so the only coalition I am interested in at this stage is the Multi Party Charter coalition with those 11 parties that we have an agreement with.

“I do not believe that you are going to change what’s wrong with South Africa by keeping the same Cabinet table, making the same bad decisions with the same bad outcome,” said Steenhuisen.

South Africa desperately needs change and this requires a resolute government that is focused and determined, the DA leader said.

There is no clear favourite in the KZN province, with the rise of the MK Party, he added.

“KZN now is a wide open race with the emergence of the MK Party that has divided ANC structures and support. It has now created a clear pathway for parties in the Multi Party Charter to be able to start talking about forming the majority after the election.

“No party after this election will have its own majority and there will definitely be a coalition in KZN.

“We believe we will be the key role players in any new coalition that takes place. However, we hope we do so well and emerge as the majority both in KZN and nationally; our premier candidate Chris Pappas has a good track record, his work in uMngeni Municipality speaks volumes,” said Steenhuisen.

Pappas said he has a clear plan to rescue the people of KZN. He will make wholesale changes in the running of local municipalities, sort out the healthcare system, cut the fat from the provincial budget and direct resources where they are needed most, he said.

“People of this province have a chance to correct the wrongs done by the ruling party.

“From what we have seen, people believe the DA is the only party to solve the problem of this province and we have made sure that we have a detailed plan on how we will rescue our people. Right now we are ready for the elections and it is just a matter of weeks before we take over KZN,” said Pappas.

The DA will have its final “Rescue SA Rally”, in Willowmoore Park Stadium in Gauteng on Sunday.

The Mercury