Theft rife at City electricity unit

52 LED street lights found were engraved as property of eThekwini Municipality.

52 LED street lights found were engraved as property of eThekwini Municipality.

Published Feb 8, 2024


Theft of assets in the eThekwini Municipality’s electricity unit is allegedly costing the municipality hundreds of millions of rand.

Officials within the unit have estimated that theft costs the unit close to R300m each year.

While the municipality acknowledged cases of theft involving its employees, it rejected allegations related to the alleged discovery of transformers at an employee’s private property or the utilisation of City assets in other municipalities.

Senior officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, claimed that several staff members have either been fired or are facing disciplinary action for various incidents of theft.

Recently, street lights that had been stolen from the municipality were discovered heading towards the Mozambique border.

Sources in the City said this could be the work of an organised syndicate -- involving municipal staff -- that continued to operate within the unit.

“The head of electricity Maxwell Mthembu is faced with a massive headache when it comes to theft. The lights were one of many assets that have been stolen. We estimate that at least R300 million worth of assets are stolen every year,” said the official.

“Late last year, six officials were suspended and I believe about 20 officials in total have either been fired or suspended for such acts in the past few months,” the source said.

The source said there have been several instances where rolls of electricity cables had been found near the border, about to be smuggled into other countries.

He said a community member spotted city transformers at a garage in the home of a municipality staff member. He also claimed that Mthembu was recently alerted to allegations that City equipment was being used by another municipality in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

The source blamed the City’s asset management system, saying it has loopholes that make it vulnerable to abuse even by junior officials.

He pointed out that junior staff members could remove assets from stores with little supervision. Asked to comment, Mthembu directed “The Mercury” to the City’s communication unit.

Municipal spokesperson Mandla Nsele said the City was not aware of allegations of any incidents involving the discovery of transformers at an employee’s private property or the utilisation of City assets in other municipalities.

“Currently, the City is aware of six employees who are suspended due to their involvement in copper theft. An investigation is currently under way and corrective measures will be implemented as investigations advance.

“The assertion that junior staff members can sign out City stock/material is not true as material is only issued on properly authorised documentation by duly delegated senior officials.

“Officials can only collect material from the stores once they have the proper approval and authorisation,” Nsele said.

The City did not speak on the value of the estimated theft.

ADeC councillor Visvin Reddy described the theft in the unit as a serious concern. “These officials are entrusted with the important responsibility of maintaining and running the unit, yet they are clearly unable to live up to their obligations.

“Their actions have put the safety and security of countless individuals at risk, and they should be named and shamed for their disgraceful behaviour.”

ActionSA councillor Alan Beesley said the allegations are not surprising. “I have heard that the theft is enormous. Stock is not even getting to the storeroom before it is stolen.

“As one of the largest units in the municipality it has become abundantly clear that the electricity unit is plagued by corruption, theft and incompetence.

“From a unit that used to contribute to the City’s profits, the electricity unit is now becoming a drain on the overall financial sustainability of the City.

“One of the key reasons that theft in this unit has been allowed to flourish is the hollowing out of competent and ethical officials from the unit,” he said.

The Mercury