4IR in action: UJ unveils electric buses - a ‘first’ for a South African university

Innovative electric buses unveiled. l JAN POTGIETER

Innovative electric buses unveiled. l JAN POTGIETER

Published Feb 16, 2023


Johannesburg – In a “first” for a South African tertiary institution, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has unveiled its new electric vehicle (EV) buses.

The EV buses, which will be added to the existing fleet, have already begun ferrying students between various campuses.

The university explained that the buses were the latest innovation in UJ’s ongoing efforts at being more environmentally friendly.

The move is also part of the University’s plans to reduce carbon emissions, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 defines green cities as those that are dedicated to achieving environmental, social, and economic sustainability, with a focus on minimising inputs of energy, water, and food, and drastically reducing waste, heat output, and pollution,” UJ said.

“UJ has, in recent years, made strategic moves to improve its sustainability footprint.”

The ‘green’ electric buses have already begun ferrying UJ students on campus. l JAN POTGIETER

The EV buses were officially launched last week and excitement reigned as one of the two brightly painted EV buses, branded in UJ’s signature orange and white colours, pulled out of Auckland Park Kingsway (APK) Campus into Joburg’s morning traffic.

Aboard the bus were members of the university’s executive leadership group (ELG), who were travelling to a meeting at one of the university’s off-campus venues in the city. And true to its nature, and unlike its diesel counterparts, the electric bus did not belch any toxic fumes.

“Not only do the EV buses produce much lower carbon emissions, but they also perform well, offering a smooth ride even on steep routes,” UJ said.

Decreasing UJ’s carbon footprint

Special Projects adviser, Professor Andre Nel, explained the process that led to this project coming to fruition.

“It started more than 18 months ago as part of our drive to reduce our carbon footprint at UJ. We’ve always had a strong focus on sustainability issues,” Nel said.

He added that after implementing large numbers of solar panels, one of the next questions was how UJ could further make the varsity sustainable.

“After some research, the obvious answer was how we were going to cut our carbon emissions in one area, and that area was transport. Transport makes up about four-and-a-half percent of UJ’s footprint and reducing that in any way is something we desired.”

So what will happen when load shedding strikes and the buses can’t be charged? And what about their environmental friendliness, given that they are charged using coal-generated electricity?

Dr Mpoti Ralephata, UJ’s chief operations officer, was quick to allay such concerns. He said 15% of energy at UJ came from solar, which was enough to power the buses. “We will have to have load shedding for more than five hours a night to affect overnight charging.”

Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in action

Among those aboard the buses last week during the official launch was Dr Nolitha Vukuza: senior executive director: University Relations, Student Affairs and UJ Sport.

“My experience is quite unprecedented because I’ve never been on an electric bus before. This is a day of celebration,” Vukuza said.

“We keep on talking about the fourth industrial revolution, and today it’s all about 4IR in action. I am also happy that the new VC (vice-chancellor and principal designate, Professor Letlhokwa Mpedi) has been talking about 4IR for societal impact. What a way to make it impactful,” she said, shortly before the bus drove off.

Meanwhile, the buses may at first glance – and from a distance – give the impression that they are part of the generation of the existing fleet but it’s only once you hop on that you realise that you have indeed entered into the fourth industrial revolution.

“Most impressive is the amount of noise you will experience while the bus is running and unlike the normal diesel-powered engines, the EV buses are almost silent – with the loudest sound being the humming of the air conditioning system,” UJ said.

Each bus has a capacity of 76 passengers, with 57 seated and 19 standing.

And for added safety, the buses are fitted with closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras and stop buttons.

“The stop buttons make communication with operators easier, as passengers can draw the driver’s attention without being intrusive when approaching their destination,” UJ said.

“Adding to the hi-tech design of the buses is that they are equipped with USB charging ports so that passengers can keep their gadgets running while onboard, for convenience.”

To get a bus fully charged would need for it to be left on the plug point for at least five-and-a-half hours.

“But that’s time worth investing in, because it powers the bus enough to enable it to cover up to a 350km range,” UJ said.

It added that the distance was significantly less than the 200 km of the entire bus route that the buses would cover and there were currently two charge points for the buses, one on campus and one at the bus depot.

An added beauty of these buses is that they are a gift that keeps on giving. Over the average 15-year lifespan which is expected that a bus will cover, these buses will save on fuel costs. Another advantage is that they require less maintenance than their diesel counterparts.

Due to the hi-tech nature of the EV buses, and specifically because of the new 0technology that they come with, it is envisaged that drivers will be retrained in how to handle this fleet.

Mpedi was brimming with excitement at seeing the university’s vision come to life: “These buses are an example of 4IR in action. They are part of a legacy that we want to leave for future generations.

“As a testament to our position as a leader, we are the first university to make use of EV buses for commercial purposes.”

Mpedi added that the buses were aligned with the institution’s sixth strategic objective, which is “fitness for global excellence and stature”.

“These buses are a tangible contribution towards achieving that goal and they are also a physical manifestation of our commitment towards the goal of being a sustainable institution that strives to implement improvements and actions across all spheres of its campus activities.

“We firmly believe that sustainable development is a long-term commitment. We aim to contribute to sustainability by reducing our environmental footprint while enhancing our contributions to the social and economic development of South Africa,” he said.

The Saturday Star