#aTypicalInterview: Actor Earl Gregory on his unpleasant anchovy-tasting first kiss

Actor Earl Gregory. Supplied image.

Actor Earl Gregory. Supplied image.

Published Feb 5, 2023


Johannesburg - This week we feature South African actor, singer, voice-over artist, dancer and presenter Earl Gregory.

Gregory is well known for featuring in movies such as “Runs in the Family” and “No Hiding Here”.

Gregory is also theatre royalty, having performed in some of the best shows such as “The Producers”, “Kinky Boots”, “Into the Woods”, “Evita”, “Puss in Boots”, “Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, ”CATS“, ”Hansel and Gretel“, ”The Little Mermaid“, ”The Quiet Violence of Dreams“, ”Beautiful Creatures“, ”Dreamgirls“, and many others.

Actor Earl Gregory. Supplied image.

You are able to go and watch any live sporting event anywhere around the globe. Which sporting event do you choose to watch and why?

I have to be completely honest that when it comes to sport I am a complete nerd. I have no interest in watching any form of sport, but if I absolutely was forced to make that choice, it would be athletics. I love watching the speed at which certain people are gifted to run and their sheer will and power to do that I have to commend. I will gladly stand on the sidelines and cheer them on.

Tell us about the worst date you’ve ever been on…

I can’t really recall any dates that went completely bomb on me. I’m the kind of person that is always willing to give any person the benefit of the doubt and I try not to make judgements based on any personal stuff. I did go on a date once and the person I was on the date with decided to order an anchovy-based pizza. Needless to say, that wasn’t a very pleasant first-date kiss.

Your favourite item of clothing in your closet currently is…?

Oh nooooooo, I have too many faves which I have accumulated over the years from my various travels (I love buying unique items that set my personal style apart from the rest). A favourite item will remain an “Aladdin” like pump that I bought in Singapore while I was on tour with a productions of “CATS”.

Actor Earl Gregory. Supplied image.

Your favourite restaurant in South Africa is…? And what do you order?

I don’t really have a favourite restaurant per se as I really love to whip together food for myself in the kitchen at home. I’m a homebody. Also when I’m out dining generally I’m very underwhelmed by most places.

What is the biggest regret you have in your life?

Regret is such a strong word and I really feel that we shouldn’t give that word the power over our lives. For myself I would say that in the past when I look at things that I could have done better, it’s more a feeling of having let myself down in a moment or not being bold enough to follow something through, but I try not to linger on any feelings of regret.

What is your definition of happiness?

Happiness – simply joys of realising that I have time. Time to love, to be loved, to be in love. To be in spaces with people, family and friends doing things that bring about a feeling of shared happiness. Happiness is hot bread on white bread with butter. Drinking an icy beverage on a hot day and enjoying the feeling of thirst being quenched. Happiness is lying in bed after a long week of working and knowing that you don’t have to go anywhere or be with anyone. I could go on and on but happiness is just… being.

You are on death row. You are given one last meal and drink of your choice. What do you choose to have?

I would want to have too many things for that final meal on death row. So I reckon I would be sneaky and ask for a mixed platter that just has a variety of things on it. I want to have the final taste sensation of so many flavours as that final reminder.

Actor Earl Gregory. Supplied image.

Which streaming show should everyone be watching right now?

Oh, I’m truly the worst person to ask this question. I’m one of those people who loves to revisit the old classics. But I believe “White Lotus" is said to be very good. There is so much great content out there these days that it’s probably not too difficult to find something worth bingeing over.

What one thing has caught your attention on social media in the last week?

Birth…. Perhaps I’m just open to this as my sister has just given birth to the most adorable little bundle of joy who has just transformed our lives. I have seen so many little ones making debuts on the socials.

Your idea of the perfect evening spent is…?

The perfect evening is sitting around a table with friends and family enjoying a really splendid meal and then this might sound crazy. Still, if I was the host I would really enjoy that feeling of looking at the chaos of the feast and then cleaning it all up by myself or with anyone willing to help clear up the feast.