Matric results: Joburg’s matriculants ready to take on the world

Mishka Rama from Marist Brothers Linmeyer. Supplied image.

Mishka Rama from Marist Brothers Linmeyer. Supplied image.

Published Jan 21, 2023


Matric results were released for both public as well as private schools this week. The Saturday Star caught up with some Grade 12 pupils from Johannesburg to chat about their Matric results.

Mishka Rama: Marist Brothers Linmeyer

Mishka Rama says she breathed a huge sigh of relief when the results were released, as the long wait had been terrible.

“I tried my best not to think about my marks for as long as possible. But the reality caught up with me a week before the release of my results.

“I felt nauseous and kept thinking about everything I did wrong during finals. I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t going to get many distinctions, so that I wouldn’t be disappointed if I didn’t meet the expectations I had set for myself.”

Having now received her results, Rama is hoping to study veterinary science at the University of Pretoria.

“Although I am slightly disappointed in just missing a full house of distinctions, I am relieved about and grateful for the results I have achieved,” she said.

Jamie-Lee Le Kay from Glenvista High School. Supplied image.

Jamie-Lee Le Kay: Glenvista High School

Glenvista High School matriculant Jamie-Lee Le Kay said she was extremely pleased with her results.

“I’ve definitely achieved what I was aiming for. It’s been exciting, filled with some nerves and anticipation. Our results show how hard we’ve worked, and we can now give ourselves a pat on the back.”

But the long wait was stressful, she said.

“It’s been quite tough… it has been something that has been at the back of our minds throughout this break. I certainly prayed that I would do well, and that all the stressful days would pay off. I was hoping for some distinctions, and I am glad I reached my goals.”

Lee Kay now plans to enjoy a gap year.

“I feel that it will help me figure out exactly what it is that I wish to study. I have not reached a final decision on which field I would like to pursue. I will use this time to do my research on different careers and see what really piques my interest, and I will explore certain courses that could help me gain more experience, knowledge, and skill.”

Calvin Esterhuizen from Glenvista High School. Supplied image.

Calvin Esterhuizen: Glenvista High School

Calvin Esterhuizen of Glenvista High School said he was thrilled with his results.

“I am very happy about my results. I know how much effort I put into my studies, and my results are proof of all my hard work.”

Esterhuizen said he didn't mind the wait for his results.

“I have been quite busy these past few weeks since the exams, so I have had a lot to distract my mind.”

Esterhuizen plans to work and save some money before he takes up his studies.

“I’m planning on finding work this year to save up a little bit of money to do a course that will allow me to travel and work at the same time.”

The Saturday Star