Jailoshini leaves Lotus FM

Jailoshini Naidoo. | SUPPLIED

Jailoshini Naidoo. | SUPPLIED

Published Mar 31, 2024


Durban — Award-winning theatre, radio and TV personality Jailoshini Naidoo signed off after nine years on Lotus FM to focus on her work as an actor, writer, director and comedian.

Naidoo bid farewell last weekend as host of The Weekend Recharge which she co-hosted with Koobeshen Naidoo.

She said due to her commitments to film, TV, stage and as a comedian, the weekend slot fitted perfectly into her schedule.

“After nine incredible years as the host of the Saturday morning show I had no choice but to make the bitter-sweet decision to bid farewell to this chapter of my life and continue to focus on my other work as an actor, writer, director and comedian. I think it’s important to continue to grow and evolve so I feel the need to explore new creative avenues and challenge myself in different ways.

“While it has been an absolute privilege and joy to be a part of and to connect with listeners every Saturday morning to share laughter, stories, and moments of inspiration with them, I’ve made this difficult decision after much thought for many other personal reasons as well which I don’t necessarily want to elaborate on,” said Naidoo.

Jailoshini Naidoo. | SUPPLIED

She said Lotus FM had been her first foray into radio.

“It was a brilliant learning experience and opportunity for me to traverse yet another platform as an artist and I enjoyed every moment on air with our amazing, loyal listeners who embraced me wholeheartedly and made my time on air an extremely warm and rewarding one.

“It is the listeners that I will miss dearly and I feel so grateful for the way in which they welcomed me into their homes and lives. Their unwavering support and enthusiasm have fuelled my passion for broadcasting, and I am forever grateful for the privilege of being welcomed into their homes and hearts on Saturday mornings. Their unwavering support and loyalty have meant the world to me,” said Naidoo.

She said the show had consistently been ranked the highest-rated and most listened show in the line-up since she began.

“I would like listeners to know that this decision was not made lightly and I will cherish the memories and connections forged during my time on the show forever. As I embark on this new chapter, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our listeners for your support, your kindness, and your friendship. You have made my time on the Saturday morning show truly unforgettable, and I will carry the memories of our shared moments with me always,” said Naidoo.

The acclaimed actress has featured in a number of roles, such as Jennifer Kandasamy in The Kandasamys, Nerupa Rampersad in Imbewu: The Seed and her alter-ego, Aunty Rumba.

“I’m about to start filming a new movie in Johannesburg. I’m also currently involved in the writing of another film script. And I’ve just started a nationwide comedy tour with my alter-ego, Aunty Rumba, who was hugely popular on Lotus FM and a character that our listeners eagerly looked forward to every Saturday morning,” she said.

Sunday Tribune

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