WATCH: YouTuber shares her safety tips for camping alone

A tent set up by a solo traveller looking to rest for the night. Picture: Unsplash

A tent set up by a solo traveller looking to rest for the night. Picture: Unsplash

Published Jun 6, 2024


The biggest concern for many solo female travellers is safety and, as a result, YouTuber and content creator, Ivy Bloom, shared tips on how she stays safe when camping alone.

Blooms short video on YouTube ‘How I stay safe when solo camping’ received over 4M views and here’s why.

According to the solo traveller, at the top of her list for staying safe is a decoy mannequin outside her tent to make it look like a man is camping.

“So from a distance it looks like there’s a man camping with me. I also place a pair of large male shoes on the outside of the tent and I create a rice circle to keep away all negative energies,” said the solo camper.

She said that she also uses a feminine decoy tent in order to make it look like she’s camping with multiple people and that the decoy tent helps her take action if someone were to try to attack as well.

“Because if someone tried to go into the decoy tent, they would be met with mouse traps,” noted Bloom.

She also revealed that she keeps bear spray handy in case something happens and she cordons out her camping area with camping tape if she has to camp in a really unsafe area.

‘I know all of this seems a little excessive but there’s a lot of crazy people out here nowadays,” said the camper.

YouTube weighed in on Bloom’s safety tips.

Commenting on her video, @lauren8135, said: “As a woman if I saw this tent with the mannequin outside & caution tape I would avoid it too, cuz the whole campsite looks a tad bit unhinged. 😂.”

Another user, @Danie_pixie, said: “😂😂😂😂I can't stop laughing it's absolutely unhinged but if it works good on her.”

@lemonsalmon4559 said: “If i saw this campsite l'd think 'oop, cannibals'.”

@alyahamzah1952 added: “Jokes aside, this just goes to show that there is a difference between a man and a woman. No man camping out alone will leave a woman's high heeled shoes as a precaution.”