Embracing sustainability in the hospitality industry

To remain aligned with the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement, hotels need to reduce emissions by 66% by 2030 and 90% by 2050. Picture: Freepik

To remain aligned with the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement, hotels need to reduce emissions by 66% by 2030 and 90% by 2050. Picture: Freepik

Published May 17, 2023


A 2021 study revealed that 81% of travellers plan to choose sustainable accommodation in the near future.

Therefore, the hospitality sector must address its environmental impact, as it contributes approximately 1% of global emissions.

To remain aligned with the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement, hotels need to reduce emissions by 66% by 2030 and 90% by 2050.

Baby steps

Travellers across the world are looking at whether or not hotel managers are incorporating ways to protect the environment. Hotel managers can start by implementing small operational changes, that can make a significant impact.

Initiatives like measuring energy and water usage, as well as waste management, provide a baseline for improvement.

For example, the Radisson Hotel Group has successfully encouraged guests to reuse towels, saving 15 litres of water for each set reused. These seemingly minor adjustments can accumulate significant savings, especially for larger hotels.

Similarly, enhancing energy efficiency and minimizing single-use plastics and waste contribute to more sustainable practices without compromising the overall guest experience.

Sustainability efforts beyond hotel grounds

Sustainability should not be confined to the hotel premises alone; it must extend to the surrounding communities.

Collaborating with local organizations and institutions dedicated to making a positive impact is crucial.

Hotels can partner with city and governmental institutions to support initiatives that address poverty and other social challenges. By working closely with managers, hotels can identify local projects in need of assistance.

Moreover, hotels can participate in community-driven initiatives, such as providing warm blankets to the homeless during winter, or collecting rubbish on the beaches in the surrounding areas.

Another solution to consider - guests and staff can contribute by donating blankets through designated boxes in the hotel lobbies, similar to recycle bins. This allows them to actively participate in sustainability efforts within the destinations they visit.

Looking towards a collective future

While hotels have various incentives to focus on sustainability, the overarching goal is to create a future where hotels, communities, and the environment can thrive together.

By prioritizing sustainability, hotels can ensure the long-term viability of their businesses, contribute to a healthier environment, and improve the well-being of the communities they operate in.

Embracing sustainability is not only a corporate responsibility but also an opportunity to meet the evolving expectations of environmentally conscious travellers and investors.

Read the latest issue of IOL Travel digital magazine here.