Should influencers have right-of-selfie-way at tourist sites?

People on Reddit are questioning whether it’s fair to give influencers and models their ‘space’ when it comes to public places. Picture: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

People on Reddit are questioning whether it’s fair to give influencers and models their ‘space’ when it comes to public places. Picture: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Published Jan 9, 2023


There are many influencers who are ‘influencing’ full time, this is how they make their income.

However, there is an annoying side to it; the photo shoots that take place everywhere, especially at a popular vacation spot.

A user on Petty Revenge subreddit, made a statement stating where influences or aspiring influences, walk right through people's social media photo shoots.

He’s caption reads as follow: ‘’I am currently on holiday and my new favourite pastime is having no patience for Instagram wannabe models’’

And so many others could relate to the statement shared.

‘’...the amount of people on hiking trails or at the beach that set-up a photoshoot and expect us all to go around them is too many.’’

Picture: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

It’s come to people’s attention that some models and influences come with a chip on their shoulders.

They expect you to understand that they are busy working regardless of it being a public space.

The worst are the gym “influencers.” Full make-up, impractical outfit, taking up popular equipment for 20+ mins to not even do a complete set, and I’m stuck in the background feeling horribly self-conscious as I’m making ugly lifting faces. Who tf actually follows these people and cares about their lives???’’

Another added: ‘’I've been relaxing and taking in a view for a few minutes and had people ask me to move so they could get a pic. I respond "I won't be here long, just taking it all in." Nobody cares about your picture but you.’’

I can see how it can be a tad annoying, especially when you’re on vacation. The world has become one self absorbed ball of goo. We somehow lost touch of the actual meaning of capturing memories. It’s not only influences and models who fall victim to this kind of behaviour.

It’s okay to take a picture or two, but do you really need 150 frames instead of enjoying the actual moment? As one user wrote, ‘’There once was a time when we used photos/videos to capture moments. Now we fake moments to capture the right photo/video.’’